Domain names

Identify, monitor, and protect your domain name

Domain names allow a company, or its services or products, to be distinctive in the same way a trademark does. They too must be protected.

Lavoix manages the protection of your domain names through its subsidiary ORDIPAT, a registrar that specialises in applying digital solutions for IP.

Lavoix is able to handle your Internet-related disputes, in particular the fraudulent registration of domain names. On numerous occasions, we have successfully pursued claims before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre, the AFNIC (SYRELI), and the Czech Arbitration Court (ADR procedure).

The administrative management of domain names includes:

  • Reservation instructions for the service provider, keeping them active
  • Monitoring domain names
  • Monitoring the domain name portfolio
  • Internal monitoring of deadlines (deadline reminders, administrative transfers in France and in all other registries)

  • Domain name dispute resolution
  • Amicable dispute resolution/arbitration proceedings
  • Domain name buyback (auction)

Our specialists


You want to identify, monitor and protect your domain name. Contact our specialists

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