Team • Ariane CHAUVEAU

Ariane CHAUVEAU - Engineer

Practice areas

Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation



European Patent Attorney | French Industrial Property Attorney | UPC Representative


After gaining experience in several places, in particular in a firm specialized in Intellectual Property, Ariane CHAUVEAU joined Lavoix in 2014 as a Patent Attorney and became partner in 2024.

Technology areas


  • Graduate from the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), 2007

  • Ph.D. in organic chemistry, Paris V, 2003
  • Engineer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSCP), 1999

Professional experience

With a degree from the ENSCP as well as a doctorate, Ariane, with more than 15 years of experience, provides LAVOIX’s clients with true expertise in the mechanical field. Ariane CHAUVEAU is responsible for patent grant procedures, as well as disputes in France and abroad; she also conducts patentability and freedom to operate/infringement analyses.

Thanks to her experience with IP, Ariane also supports LAVOIX’s clients in formulating an intellectual property strategy and works in collaboration with the partners, primarily on behalf of large international groups.

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