Team • Aude VEINANTE

Aude VEINANTE - Partner

Practice areas

Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation



European Patent Attorney | French Industrial Property Attorney | UPC Representative


An engineer by training, Aude VEINANTE GARDEY joined Lavoix in 2012, after spending 5 years within the patent department of a pharmaceutical multinational.

Technology areas


  • Patent Litigation in Europe, 2012
  • Graduate from the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), 2007
  • Biotechnology Engineer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Technologie des Biomolécules de Bordeaux (ENSTBB), 2006

Professional experience

Aude assists her clients in defining their patent strategy. Aude drafts new patent applications and monitors grant procedures in France and abroad. Her work also includes conducting patentability, validity and freedom to operate studies as well as forming consultations relative to supplementary protection certificates (SPCs).

Aude VEINANTE GARDEY performs audits in the pharmaceutical and life science fields and advises her clients in case of patent disputes.

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