团队专业人员 • DONESCU-BAGSHAW Ioana

Practice areas
Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation
European Patent Attorney | French Industrial Property Attorney | UPC Representative
After working as an R&D engineer in the digital image-processing field, then as a patent engineer beginning in 2004 in the French research centre of a major Japanese industrial group, Ioana DONESCU-BAGSHAW joined LAVOIX in March 2011, in particular to develop the group’s activity in the Greater West region. She has been a partner since 2017.
Technology areas
Professional experience
Ioana in particular work in the following technical fields: telecommunications, signal and image processing, computer systems and inventions implemented by computer. She advises and represents business in many areas, such as drafting patent applications, examining French, European and foreign patent applications, oppositions and appeals before the EPO, and freedom to operate studies. She also manage local relationships with several innovation development entities in Brittany, such as POOOL, a structure resulting from the merger between the Rennes Atalante Technopole and the French Tech Rennes-St Malo.
Ioana DONESCU-BAGSHAW also uses her skills to advance her profession and was a member of a committee for the EPO’s European qualifying examination (EQE) for 8 years, from 2009 to 2016.