Team • Ludmilla CORNILLEAU

Ludmilla CORNILLEAU - Lawyer Lavoix

Practice areas

Trademark and DM procedures
Trademark and DM disputes
Domain names
Unfair Competition



After an experience in the legal department of a pharmaceutical laboratory and in another Patent and Trademark firm, Ludmilla CORNILLEAU joined Lavoix in 2022 as a lawyer.

Technology areas


  • Master 2 Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law, Grenoble Alpes University, 2022
  • Master 1 Business Law with a specialization in Intellectual Property, Grenoble Alpes University, 2021

Professional experience

Specialized in trademarks law, designs law and in domain names, Ludmilla is involved in all consultations relating to these matters as well as in responses to notices, in prior art searches, in national and Community opposition and appeal proceedings, and in the management of IP portfolios.

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