Team • Martin SIMONNET

Martin SIMONNET - Attorney-at-Law

Practice areas

Patent litigation Trademark disputes

Domain names
Unfair Competition


Attorney-at-Law | UPC Representative


Because of his attraction to innovation and technology, as well as the international aspect of the profession, Martin SIMONNET was drawn to the intellectual property sector, where he worked in several other firms before joining Lavoix in 2017.

Technology areas


  • C.A.P.A. (Bar examination), 2022
  • Lawyer School, 2018
  • Master in Industrial Property, University of Lille 2, 2016
  • Master Business Law, Intellectual Property and New Technology, University of Grenoble Alpes, 2015

Professional experience

An Attorney at the Paris Bar since 2018 and holder of a Master 2 in Industrial Property Law from the Université de Lille 2, Martin uses all of his skills on behalf of Lavoix’s clients.

He participates as counsel in disputes relative to patents, know-how, personal data, trademarks, designs and models, copyrights, domain names, as well as unfair competition and contract drafting. Martin is also responsible for formulating IP strategies and audits.

Martin SIMONNET works in close collaboration with the Lavoix partners primarily on behalf of international clients in various activity sectors.

He is a member of the AIPPI and the APRAM.

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