Team • Philippe BLOT

Philippe Blot - Partner

Practice areas

Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation
Trademark and DM procedures
Trademark and DM disputes
Domain names
Unfair Competition

Philippe BLOT


French Industrial Property Attorney | European Patent Attorney | European Trademark and Design Attorney | Luxembourg Patent Attorney |
UPC Representative


An engineer by training, Philippe BLOT has been the CEO of Lavoix since 2009 and is a member of the Operations and Strategy Committees.

Technology areas


  • “Patent Litigation in Europe”, 2004
  • Master of business law, 2002
  • Graduate from the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), 1996
  • Engineer, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 1992

Professional experience

Philippe BLOT handles and supervises grant procedures, as well as litigation in electronics and mechanics. He provides clients with true expertise in the drafting of new patent applications, grant procedure monitoring, and freedom to operate and validity studies. He also provides consultations and handles opposition and appeal matters before the European Patent Office. He has extensive experience with infringement suits and seizure procedures. He has participated in disputes and negotiations relative to FRAND licenses.

He was one of the first European Patent Attorneys to obtain in 2004 the “Patent Litigator” qualification in the European Union, dealing with patent litigation. Philippe BLOT also gives lectures on the protection granted by French and European patents.

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