团队专业人员 • Vanessa ROBBEZ-MASSON
Practice areas
Patent prosecution
Patent Litigation
European Patent Attorney | French Industrial Property Attorney
Doctor by training, Vanessa ROBBEZ MASSON joined Lavoix in 2024 after 4 years of experience in R&D within research laboratories and 18 years as a patent engineer in large industrial groups and intellectual property firms.
Technology areas
Professional experience
Vanessa has solid experience in chemistry and a strong appetite for research. She brings her expertise in various fields of chemistry: materials science, metallurgy, cosmetic and food products, formulation, process.
She develops IP strategies and supports clients from university research to industry and from SMEs to multinationals. Vanessa is notably responsible for drafting new patent applications, monitoring granting procedures in France and abroad, opposition procedures, and conducting patentability, validity, and freedom-to-operate studies.
Vanessa works at the Lavoix office in Grenoble.