Team • Valérie GENIN

Valérie GENIN - Partner

Practice areas

Patent Litigation
Trademark and DM procedures
Trademark and DM disputes
Domain names
Unfair Competition

Valérie GENIN


Attorney-at-Law | UPC Representative


Valérie GENIN joined Lavoix in 1992 and has been a partner since 2000. After more than 20 years of experience as a Patent and Trademark Attorney, Valérie chose to become a lawyer again in order to best meet her clients’ needs and offer them a full range of services, from advising to disputes to strategizing.

Technology areas


  • C.A.P.A. (Bar examination), 1992
  • Postgraduate degree in Industrial Property, 1991
  • Master in Business Law, 1990

Professional experience

Her extensive background in protecting and defending trademarks, designs and models in France, in the European Union and abroad, has led her to advise major French and foreign companies on their Intellectual Property strategies. Valérie also handles disputes and all legal matters related to Intellectual Property, such as collaboration agreements, Consortium agreements, transfers of ownership and licenses. Her area of expertise also extends to copyrights and domain names, the latter also including arbitration before the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

Valérie GENIN has been involved for many years in a number of professional training opportunities organized by the INPI (in particular “protect design through designs and models” and CAPI (Intellectual Property Organizer Certificate)). She is also a member of the APRAM (Association of Trademark and Design Law Practitioners [Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles] and GRAPI (Groupe Rhône-Alpes pour la protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

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